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Exploring the effects of external stimulations on ferroelectric domain structures using in-situ transmission electron microscopy

题 目:Exploring the effects of external stimulations on ferroelectric domain structures using in-situ transmission electron microscopy
报告人:Xiaozhou Liao  教授
单 位:University of Sydney
时 间:2017/12/22 15:30
地 点:纳米楼一楼报告厅
Dr. Xiaozhou Liao is a full professor in the University of Sydney, Australia. He conducted his PhD research in the School of Physics, University of Sydney and received his PhD degree in 2000. He moved to USA taking up a Director Funded Postdoctoral Fellowship in Los Alamos National Laboratory in 2001 and was a research scientist in the University of Chicago from 2004 to 2006. He returned to Sydney as a lecturer in the School of Aerospace, Mechanical and Mechatronic Engineering in June 2006.
Dr. Liao's research interest focuses on the structures and structure–property relationships of advanced structural and functional materials using ex-situ and in-situ electron microscopy techniques. He has published more than 220 papers in journals including Nature Materials, Nature Communications, Physical Review Letters, and Acta Materialia. His papers have been collectively cited > 9,800 times with an h-index of 52 (data from Scopus).

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