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Quasi-one-dimensional heavy-metal-free semiconductor quantum rods: Synthesis, assembly and photocatalysis

题目:Quasi-one-dimensional heavy-metal-free semiconductor quantum rods: Synthesis, assembly and photocatalysis

报告人:夹国华 教授

单位:Curtin University, Australia

时间:2018716   上午10:00

地点:新区2号楼 235 会议室



Semiconductor nanocrystals manifest fascinating size, composition and shape dependent optical and electronic properties. A first aspect aims at electron-hole recombination yielding emissive quantum rods, with relevance for a wide range of technological applications. In this context we will discuss various synthesis routes for shape controlled semiconductor nanorods and report the self-assembly strategy that leading to unprecedented structures. A second aspect aims at electron-hole charge separation and utilization for photo- electrochemical-catalytic redox reactions. This is realized in alloyed nanorods spontaneously formed by alkylthiol etching. The alloyed nanorods have highly active Zn sites on the (100) surface and reduced energy barrier for water oxidation, resulting in enhanced oxygen evolution reaction activity in water splitting and improved photoelectrochemical activities, and thus open a pathway for converting solar energy to chemical energy stored in a fuel using earth abundant and eco-friendly catalysts.



夹国华博士于2005年获中科院福建物构所硕士学位,2009香港城市大学博士学位,2010-2014年在以色列希伯来大学Uri Banin教授组开展博士后研究,现任澳大利亚科廷大学ARC DECRA研究员、课题组长、博士生导师。主要从事胶体半导体量子点的可控制备与组装及其在发光显示,催化,光()子器件等领域的应用。在无镉量子点可控制备与生长机理,一维纳米棒自组装与发光性能,量子点电子结构与催化活性等方面取得了一系列有影响的成果。到目前为止,以第一作者和通讯作者在Nature materialJACSAdvance material等刊物上发表学术论文80余篇,论文累计被引用次数超过两千多次,H指数27,获得1PCT国际和美国授权发明专利各1项,获邀做4个国际会议邀请报告。