
 何长振,19671月出生,博士,研究员,课题组长, 博士生导师。19887月毕业于厦门大学化学系无机化学专业,在福建物质结构研究所从事晶体生长研究工作。20033月获物理化学专业理学硕士20063月获材料物理科学专业工学博士20064从事一维磁性材料的研究。20084月受聘于中科院福建物质结构研究所研究员。迄今已在J. Am. Chem. Soc., Phys. Rev. Lett., Chem. Mater.Appl. Phys. Lett., Phys. Rev. B等国际核心刊物上发表了130多篇SCI论文,其中第一作者44篇。2010年入选福建省首批引进高层次创业创新人才。 










  1. Y. Tang, C. Peng, W. Guo, J-F. Wang, G. Su, and Z. He*, “Octa-Kagome?Lattice Compounds Showing Quantum Critical Behaviors: Spin Gap Ground State versus Antiferromagnetic Ordering”, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 139, 14057-14060 (2017). 

  2. Z. He*, C-S. Lin, W-D Cheng*, A. Okazawa, N. Kojima, J. Yamaura, and Y. Ueda, “Unusually large magnetic anisotropy in a CuO-based semiconductor Cu5V2O10,  J. Am. Chem. Soc. 133, 1298-1300 (2011). 

  3. Z. He*, J. Yamaura, Y. Ueda, and WD Cheng*, “CoV2O6 single crystals grown in a closed crucible: Unusual magnetic behaviors with large anisotropy and 1/3 magnetization plateau” J. Am. Chem. Soc. 131, 7554-7555 (2009). 

  4. W. Ouyang, Y. C. Sun, J. F. Wang*, X. Y. Yue, R. Chen, Z. X. Wang, Z. He *, Z. C. Xia, Y. Liu , and G. H. Rao, “Novel half-magnetization plateau and nematic like transition in the S=1 skew chain Ni2V2O7” Phys. Rev. B 97, 144406 (2018).     

  5. X. Y. Yue, W. Ouyang*, J. F. Wang, Z. X. Wang, Z. C. Xia, Z. He*, “Magnetization and ESR studies on Cu4(OH)6FCl: An antiferromagnet with a kagome lattice” Phys. Rev. B 97, 054417 (2018). 

  6. Z. He*, J. Yamaura, Y. Ueda, and WD Cheng+, “Crystal growth and multiple magnetic transitions of spin-1 chain system Ni2V2O7”, Phys. Rev. B 79, 092404 (2009). 

  7. Z. He*, S. C. Chen, C. S. Lue+, WD Cheng, and Y. Ueda “Two magnetic orderings and spin flop transition in spin-1 system SrNi2(PO4)2”, Phys. Rev. B 78, 212410 (2008). 

  8. Z. He* and Y. Ueda, “Paramagnetic anisotropy and spin-flop transition in single crystals of quasi-one-dimensional system b-Cu2V2O7”, Phys. Rev. B 77, 052402 (2008).  

  9. Z. He*, T. Taniyama, and M. Itoh, “Antiferromagnetic- paramagnetic transition in longitudinal and transverse magnetic fields in a SrCo2V2O8 crystal”, Phys. Rev. B 73, 212406(2006).  

  10. Z. He, T. Taniyama, and M. Itoh*, “Large magnetic anisotropy in the quasi-one-dimensional system BaCo2V2O8”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 88, 132504 (2006). 

  11. Z. He, D. Fu, T. Ky?men, T. Taniyama, and M. Itoh*, “Crystal growth and magnetic properties of BaCo2V2O8”, Chem. Mater. 17, 2924(2005).  

  12. Z. He, T. Taniyama, T. Ky?men, and M. Itoh*, “Field-induced order-disorder transition in the quasi-one-dimensional anisotropic antiferromagnet BaCo2V2O8”, Phys. Rev. B 72, 172403(2005).  

  13. Z. He, T. Ky?men, and M. Itoh*, “BaCu2V2O8: “Quasi- one-dimensional alternating chain compound with a large spin gap”, Phys. Rev. B 69, R220407(2004). 
