迄今在Nature Communications, Nano Research, Chemical Communications, Crystal Growth & Design和Journal of Crystal Growth等期刊发表30余篇SCI论文。
联系电话:0591-63173413; E-mail: clchen@fjirsm.ac.cn
1) 多孔GaN单晶晶体之生长、性能及应用开发
2) 氧化物晶体材料之氮化转化研究
3) 3D单晶交联GaN & ZnO纳米结构之制备、性能及应用开发
4) 新颖宽能隙半导体材料的晶体生长与性能研究
5) 非极性GaN晶体、薄膜和纳米材料生长及其光电性能研究
1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目:新型自组装大面积3D交联GaN单晶纳米结构的制备和光电性能研究, 2018.01-2021.12,负责人
1. Yongchun Xiao, Yaoyao Tian, Shujing Sun, Chenlong Chen*, Buguo Wang*, Growth modulation towards simultaneous epitaxy of ZnO obliquely aligned nanowire arrays and film on r-plane sapphire substrate,Nano Research 11(7), 3864 (2018).
2. Chenlong Chen*, Shujing Sun, Mitch M.C. Chou*, Kui Xie*, In situ inward epitaxial growth of bulk macroporous single crystals, Nature Communication 8, 2178 (2017).
3. Chenlong Chen, M. M. C. Chou*, T. Yan, H. Huang, C. Y. J. Lu, and C. Chen, The synthesis route and the growth mechanism of aligned GaN nanobelts, Chemical Communications 50, 5695 (2014).
4. Chenlong Chen, C.A. Li, S.H. Yu, Mitch M.C. Chou*, Growth and characterization of LiGaO2 single crystal, Journal of Crystal Growth, 402, 325 (2014).
5. Chenlong Chen, Y. T. Lan, Mitch M.C. Chou*, D. R. Hang, T. Yan, H. Feng, C. Y. Lee, S. Y. Chang, C. A. Li, Growth and characterization of vertically aligned nonpolar [1-100] orientation ZnO nanostructures on (100) -LiAlO2 substrate, Crystal Growth & Design, 12, 6208 (2012).