
    胡杰,男,1990年3月生,副研究员。2012年毕业于淮南师范学院化学与化工系,2015年获福州大学材料物理与化学专业硕士学位。2015材料物理与化学专业博士学位。至今在Adv Funct Mater, Nano Res, Adv Opt Mater, APL Photonics, Acs Nano, NanoscaleSCI期刊上合作发表论文14篇,授权专利一项。






E-mail: hujie@fjirsm.ac.cn 



1. Hu J, Gong XH, Chen YJ, Huang JH, Lin YF, Luo ZD and Huang YD*. Tunable luminescence of Dy3+ single-doped and Dy3+/Tm3+ co-doped tungsten borate glasses. Opt Mater. 2014; 8:108-112.

2. Hu J, Gong XH, Huang JH, Chen YJ, Lin YF, Luo ZD and Huang YD*. Near ultraviolet excited Eu3+ doped Li3Ba2La3(WO4)8 red phosphors for white light emitting diodes. Opt Mater Express. 2016; 6(1) :181-190.

3. Hu J#, Rivero F#, Torres RA, Loro Ramírez H, Rodríguez EM, Alfonso F, García Solé J and Jaque D*. Dynamic single gold nanoparticle visualization by clinical intracoronary optical coherence tomography. J Biophotonics. 2017; 10, 674-682

4. Hu J, Ortgies DH, Torres RA, Fernández N, Porto L, Rodríguez EM, Solé JG, Jaque D*, Alfonso F and Rivero F. Quantum Dots Emitting in the Third Biological Window as Bimodal Contrast Agents for Cardiovascular Imaging. Adv Funct Mater. 2017; 27, 1703276. 

5. Hu J#, Sanz-Rodríguez F#, Rivero F, Rodríguez EM*, Torres RA, Ortgies DH, Solé JG, Alfonso F and Jaque D. Gold nanoshells: Contrast agents for cell imaging by cardiovascular optical coherence tomography. Nano Res. 2018; 11, 676-685.

6. Hu J#, Ortgies DH#, Rodriguez EM#, Rivero F, Torres R. A, Alfonso F, Fernández N, Carre?o-Tarragona G, Monge L, Sanz-Rodriguez F, Iglesias MC, Granado M, Villalon AL, Garcia-Solé J, Jaque D. Optical nanoparticles for cardiovascular imaging. Adv Opt Mater. 2018; 6 (22), 1800626.

7. Hu J, Abujetas DR, Tsoutsi D, Leggio L, Rivero F, Rodríguez EM, Torres RA, Sánchez-Gil JA, Ramírez HL, Gallego D, Rivera HL, Gil PR, Alfonso F, Garcia-Solé J, Jaque D*. Experimental evaluation of gold nanoparticles as infrared scatterers for advanced cardiovascular optical imaging. APL Photonics. 2018; 3 (8), 080803.