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题目1:纳米结构单元的仿生合成与宏观组装体的功能化;题目2:Molecular Specificity Guided NanoCrystal Growth, Assembly and Catalysis

题 目1:纳米结构单元的仿生合成与宏观组装体的功能化
报告人:俞书宏 教授
单 位:中国科学技术大学
时 间:2017/1/4 15:00
地 点:化学楼四楼报告厅
在分子模板诱导仿生合成、聚合物控制晶化与仿生材料、纳米结构单元可控合成与组装、宏观尺度纳米组装体制备及功能化等方面取得多项创新性成果。在Science, Nature Materials, Science Advances, Nature Communications, Chem. Rev., Acc. Chem. Res., Chem. Soc. Rev., J. Am. Chem. Soc., Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., Adv. Mater.等上发表SCI检索论文430余篇。被SCI论文引用25,598次,H因子87。2014、2015和2016年入选汤姆路透Highly Cited Researchers。获2016年、2010年国家自然科学二等奖(均为第一完成人)、2001年国家自然科学二等奖(第五完成人)、2010年国际水热-溶剂热联合会Roy-Somiya奖章、2010年英国皇家化学会《化学会评论》新科学家奖、2008年第四届中国化学会-德国巴斯夫公司青年知识创新奖、2007年第十届中国青年科技奖、2007年国家杰出青年基金终期评估特优奖等。担任国际期刊Accounts of Chemical Research, Chemistry of Materials, Chemical Science, Materials Horizons, Nano Research, ChemNanoMater., CrystEngComm等国际顾问编委、执行编委或编委,担任Langmuir资深编辑(2017-)。


题目2:Molecular Specificity Guided NanoCrystal Growth, Assembly and Catalysis
主讲人:黄昱 教授 

    Material formation in nature is precisely controlled in all aspects from crystal nucleation, growth to assembly to deliver superior functions. Specific biomolecule-material interactions have been hypothesized to play important roles in these processes. Proteins, polymers and small molecules have been extensively explored to replicate the degree of control in material formation in vitro and for nonbiogenic materials. However the organic-inorganic interfacial interaction is still far from being understood which hinders the further advancement of biomimetic material formation. In this talk I will share our efforts on decoding the myth of biomolecular specificity to material surface and their roles in controlling crystal nucleation and growth. The selection of facet specific short peptides and their abilities in guiding predictable morphology control of Pt nanocrystals will be first demonstrated. Then detailed experimental and theoretical studies on binding mechanism will be discussed. Based on mechanistic understanding, we designed small molecules bearing molecular signature for facet specific adsorption to modulate the nucleation/growth of the Pt nanocrystals to deliver the expected nanostructures and functions. At the end of talk I will share our recent research on improving catalytic functions of nanocrystals through synthetic design. These studies open up opportunities in understanding the molecular details of inorganic-organic interface interaction, which can one day lead to the development of a library of molecular functions for biomimetic materials design and engineering.  

Short Biography 
    Professor Huang receives her Ph.D in physical chemistry from Harvard University and her B.S. in chemistry from University of Science and Technology of China. At UCLA she explores the unique technological opportunities that result from the structure and assembly of nanoscale building blocks. Focusing on the molecular level, she conducts research to unravel the fundamental principles governing nanoscale material synthesis and assembly; and utilizes such principles to design nanostructures and nanodevices with unique functions and properties to address critical challenges in electronics, energy science and biomedicine. Recognitions she received include the World’s Top 100 Young Innovators, the Sloan Fellowship, the PECASE (Presidential Early Career Award in Science and Engineering) , DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency) Young Faculty Award and the NIH (National Institute of Health) New Innovator Award.