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题 目:Electron-catalysis
报告人:Armido Studer 教授
单 位:德国明斯特大学
时 间:2017/4/24 09:30
地 点:化学楼四楼报告厅
Curriculum Vitae:Studies ETH Zürich (1987-1992); Ph. D. ETH Zürich (1995, Supervisor: Prof. D. Seebach, asymmetric synthesis); Postdoc Pittsburgh Univ. (1995-1996, Supervisor: Prof. D. P. Curran, fluorous chemistry); Habilitation ETH Zürich (1996-2000, radical chemistry); Associate Prof. Marburg Univ. (2000-2004, radical chemistry in synthesis and in materials science); Full Prof. Münster Univ. (2004-present, radical chemistry, surface chemistry, catalysis). Research Interests:The fundamental understanding and exploitation of radical processes play a key role in the research of the Studer group at the WWU Münster. The program is devoted to the fields of catalysis, organic synthesis, and materials science. Detailed mechanistic investigations play an important role for method development in organic synthesis and beyond. General concepts such as the "persistent radical effect" (PRE) as an early example and the role of the "electron as a catalyst" more recently are explored. Applications of nitroxide radicals remain fundamental in the research activities of the Studer laboratory, leading to applications in various fields such as surface chemistry, bioconjugates and natural product synthesis. 