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The interactions between quasi-particles in 2D semiconductors

  题目:The interactions between quasi-particles in 2D semiconductors

  报告人:刘尔富 副教授

  单位:南京大学  物理学院

  时间:2023/10/11   15:00 

  地点:2号楼  235会议室



  刘尔富,南京大学物理学院副教授,博士生导师,国家海外相关人才计划入选者。2011年本科毕业于南京大学物理学院,2015年获得南京大学物理学博士学位。2015-2017年在南京大学从事博士后研究。2017-2021年在国外从事博士后及项目科学家工作。2021年入选国家海外相关人才计划,之后于2022年正式加入南京大学。主要研究方向为利用微区光谱学、多维度光电流、低温电子输运等手段研究低维量子材料的光学和电子学性质。在Nature, Science, Physical Review Letters, Nature Communications等国际学术期刊上,以主要作者身份发表论文30余篇,引用超过3000次。受邀担任Physical Review Letters, Physical Review X, Nature Communications, Physical Review B, Nano Letters等期刊审稿人。

  Due to the strong spatial confinement and reduced dielectric screening, two-dimensional semiconductors experience enhanced Coulomb interactions when compared with bulk materials. In this talk, I will introduce the excitonic properties in 2D semiconductors, especially the interactions between the exciton and other quasiparticles, including exciton-electron interaction, exciton-phonon interaction, and electron-electron interaction. All kinds of interactions can result in fascinating phenomena, particularly when the interactions are in a strong regime. Furthermore, I will talk about the correlated states induced by the moir superlattice in 2D heterostructures.