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Publishing with Wiley Chemistry Journals

  题 目:Publishing with Wiley Chemistry Journals 

  报告人:陈俊婷 博士 

  单 位:Angewandte 学术委员会 

  时 间:2023/11/11 09:30 

  地 点:嘉锡楼三层大会议室(305) 



  Junting Chen (陈俊婷) obtained a B.Sc. in chemistry from Nankai University (Tianjin, China) in 2016, during which she spent one year at Harvard University (Massachusetts, USA) as an undergraduate intern. She then moved to the Max-Planck-Institut f r Kohlenforschung (M lheim, Germany), where she worked on developing new 18F-fluorination labelling protocols and selective C–H functionalization methodologies. She finished her PhD studies and joined the editorial teams of ChemCatChem and EurJOC in 2020, and Angewandte Chemie in 2021. 

