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High Resolution and Low Cost X-ray Imaging Scintillators

  题 目:High Resolution and Low Cost X-ray Imaging Scintillators 

  报告人:Prof. O. F. Mohammed 教授 

  单 位:阿卜杜拉国王科技大学物理科学与工程学部 

  时 间:2023/11/15 15:00 

  地 点:腾讯会议 176-844-108 



  Dr. Mohammed is a professor at the School of Chemistry and Materials Science and Engineering at King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST) in Saudi Arabia. He obtained a PhD in Physics and Theoretical Chemistry from Humboldt University in Berlin, Germany. Prior to joining KAUST, he served as a senior research assistant and collaborated with Nobel laureate Professor Zewail to develop new laser spectroscopy and time-resolved electron imaging technologies. During the time at the California Institute of Technology, he made significant contributions to the in-depth understanding of the dynamics of photo generated charge carriers in photoactive materials and pioneered the development of advanced characterization techniques for studying surface and interface dynamics at the nanoscale and femtosecond levels. He was appointed as a researcher at the Institute of Physics in London, UK in July this year. Dr. Mohammed research focus is on the development of both high-performance X-ray imaging screens and new ultrafast spectroscopic & microscopic techniques to directly map (in space and time) the most fundamental photo-physical and photochemical processes on surfaces and interfaces of optoelectronic materials. Dr. Mohammed is currently associated editor of ACS applied materials & interace. Dr. Mohammed has published over 300 articles in international peer-reviewed journals including Science, Nature, Nature Energy, Nature Materials and Nature Photonics. 


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