卢嘉锡讲座报告:Design Strategies for Single-source Precursors for Photoactive Materials
报告人:Dominic simon Wright 院士
单 位:英国剑桥大学
时 间:2023/12/18 09:00
地 点:海西院综合楼228报告厅
Dominic simon Wright教授,1991年起在剑桥大学化学系任教,2012年晋升为终生教授,2016年入选浙江省海外高层次人才,2018年获浙江省西湖友谊奖,2020年入选欧洲科学院院士。主要从事无机合成与材料化学,研究领域涵盖若干主族和过渡金属化学,包括大环主族化合物,主族金属诱导的键形成机理及催化反应。金属环成二烯化合物的分子和超分子化学,金属和金属氧化物LMS沉积网络研究等。Wright教授因出色的研究工作获Royal Society Meldola Medal,Royal Society of Chemistry Awards,EUAdvanced Investigator Award 并当选英国皇家化学会会士。在Science,J.Am.Chem.Sci,,Angew Chem,Chem.Sci,等知名期刊上发表300多篇论文,授权6项国际发明专利。
报告摘要: Making new materials with exciting properties is a key challenge world-wide, but how do we scale exciting new advances form small prototypes to make the kind of large devices that are actually required in a range of settings? The lecture highlights the use of the ‘molecules-to-materials’ approach for the deposition of photoactive materials used in light detection and solar fuels, that can be scaled to large devices. This niche area of chemistry is an exciting direction in which synthetic inorganic chemists are uniquely placed to make important advances in the future.
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