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Textile Composite Electrodes for Wearable Batteries and Beyond

  题 目:Textile Composite Electrodes for Wearable Batteries and Beyond

  报告人:郑子剑 教授

  单 位:香港理工大学

  时 间:2023/12/25 10:30AM

  地 点:海西院综合楼235会议室



  郑子剑,香港理工大学应用生物及化学科技学系“软物质材料与器件”讲座教授、智能可穿戴系统研究院副主任、智慧能源研究院首席研究员。2003年获清华大学化学工程学士学位,2007年获英国剑桥大学化学博士学位,2008-2009年在美国西北大学纳米中心从事博士后研究。2009年加入香港理工大学任助理教授,2013年晋升为终身副教授,2017年晋升为正教授。研究领域包括材料表界面科学、纳米制造、新型柔性材料与电子器件、能源转化与存储,。在Science, Nature Materials, Science Advances, Nature Communications, Joule, Advanced Materials等期刊上发表论文200余篇;拥有国内外专利40余项。现担任Wiley出版社绿色能源与环境领域旗舰开放期刊EcoMat的主编、香港青年科学院创院院士、教育部长江学者讲座教授、香港研资局高级研究学者、国际先进材料学会会士、英国皇家化学会会士,担任香港工程科学院创院成员及主席,曾获首届香港工程科学技术奖等奖项。  

  报告摘要: Wearable energy storage devices are indispensable corner stones for future wearable electronics. Current energy storage technologies are based on materials and devices that are rigid, bulky, and heavy, making them difficult to wear. On the other hand, fibers are flexible and lightweight materials that can be assembled into different textiles and have been worn by human beings thousands of years. Different from conventional two-dimensional thin films and foils, the three-dimensional fiber and textile structures not only provide superior wearing ability, but also much larger surface areas. This talk will introduce how our research group makes use of the attributes of fibers for high-performance wearable energy storage devices. We will demonstrate the strategies and discuss the perspectives to modify fibers and textiles for making wearable capacitators and batteries with excellent mechanical durability, electrochemical stability, and high energy/power density. We will also show that the fibrous materials can significantly enhance the stability and energy density of battery for wearable applications and others such as Na battery.

上一篇:Graphene Industrial Application towards Decarbonization下一篇:华东师范大学ChemGPT 1.0