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Nano particles in greases with enhanced electrical and thermal properties

题 目:Nano particles in greases with enhanced electrical and thermal properties
报告人:洪海平 研究员
单 位:美国南达科他矿业理工学院
时 间:2018/9/25 15:00
地 点:纳米楼一楼报告厅
Dr. Haiping Hong has more than twenty five years of research experience with carbon nanomaterials, polymer composite, organic light emitting diodes, and self-assembly techniques. During the last ten years, he has focused on carbon nano material related applications such as polymer composite, grease, coolant, lubricant, battery, biofuel, biodiesel, renewable energy, etc. and underground related germanium crystal growth using the Czochralski method.
Dr. Hong received his Ph.D. in Materials from Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel in 1998. He worked as a research scientist at South Dakota School of Mines and Technology from 2003 to present, from level I to level IV. Current, he acts as special assistant to President of VRC Metal systems for china business. Before joining the school of mines, he worked as research scientist (engineer) in the Silicon Valley startup companies Sipix & Litrex.
Dr. Hong has been awarded eleven US patents, with four pending, and two in draft. He has published more than 120 papers in peer reviewed journals, and 6 book chapters He also has given 49 oral presentations at national and international conferences. His papers have been cited more than 3150 times according to the google scholar. He is editor of Journal of Nanofluids, guest editors for Journal of Nanofluids & Journal of Nanomaterials special issues. As PI or co-PI, he gets more than 10 Million US$ from ARL, AFRL, NASA EPSCOR major and seed research grant, DOE EPSCoR, NSF, SD state 2010 center, private industry, etc. He was visiting scientist of Georgia Institute of Technology (2009, Aug-Oct, 2012, Feb-April, 2016 Nov-Dec, 2017 March-Dec, 2018 April and July) and NASA Ames Research Center (2013, April-May). He acted as Panelist for NSF thermal program (2012, 2013, 2014, 2018), SBIR/STTR (2018) and reviewer for DOE ARPA-E OPEN 2015 and 2016. He co-chaired Carbon Nano Materials and Applications Workshop in Nov 2011 with Dr. Bud Peterson.


上一篇:配合物衍生高电化学活性材料研究下一篇:New Quantum Molecular Spintronics Based on Single-Molecule Magnets:Kondo Effect, Single-Molecule Memory, Spin Qubits, and Rabi Nutation