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Catalysis for Conversion of Sustainable Energy

题目:Catalysis for Conversion of Sustainable Energy

报告人:IB Chorkendorff教授

单位:The Department of Physics, Technical University of Denmark

时间:2018/10/24 10:30




Professor IB Chorkendorff was in 1987 employed at the Department of Physics, Technical University of Denmark. He was elected as Fellow of the Danish Natural Science Academy (DNA) and Fellow of The Academy for Technical Sciences (ATV) in 2001, and elected as Fellow of Royal Society of Chemistry (FRSC) in 2015. He now is director of the The Villum Center for the science of sustainable fuels and chemicals, which is a consortium consisting of The Technical University of Denmark, Stanford University, Copenhagen University and Southern Denmark University. His research focuses on the fundamental aspects of catalysis in a broad sense relating to Heterogeneous Catalysis in the fields of Thermal Catalysis, Electro-Catalysis and Photo-Electro-Catalysis.

Up to now, as author and co-author, Professor IB Chorkendorff has more than 300 scientific papers published in international refereed journals including Science, Nature Materials, Nature Chemistry, Chem. Soc. Rev., J. Am. Chem. Soc., Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., and Energy Environ. Sci. etc., which are cited over 30000 times. Participated in a large number of international conferences of which 133 were invited (currently 10/year). His group has seven distinguished professors and a large number of students, post-docs and visitors from all over the world.

In this presentation, I will give an overview of some our recent progress in making nanoparticles alloys and intermetallic compounds for catalysis, particularly in relation to conversion of sustainable energy. We shall demonstrate how mass-selected nanoparticles synthesized, can be used to elucidate the activity for processes related to electrolysis and the reversible process in fuel cells. In the first case it will be used to elucidate size dependence and efficiency for catalysts related to the oxygen evolution reaction (OER) which is the limiting reaction and evaluate the scalability of scarce and expensive elements like Platinum and Ruthenium. Size dependence and isotope labelled experiments will be presented for NiFe nanoparticles for oxygen evolution under alkaline conditions. Here we shall demonstrate a new principle for dynamic detection of gas evolution allowing for a clear distinction between redox states and actual OER. The electrochemical Oxygen Reduction Reaction (ORR), is the limiting reaction in Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells. Here we have found entirely new classes of electro-catalysts by alloying Pt with early transition metals or the lanthanides. We have shown that it is possible to make mass-selected nanoparticles of these alloys with very good activities and PtGd alloys although direct translation of such results to fuel cells is difficult. The same principles will be used to demonstrate investigation of conversion of CO or CO2 into valuable fuels and chemical either by thermal- or electrocatalysis. In the latter case we shall show how the new method mentioned above can been used to investigate he dynamical influence of surface oxygen on the selectivity for electrochemical methane/ethene production of CO over mass-selected Copper nanoparticles. If time allows, I shall also briefly touch upon electrochemical ammonia productions – facts or dreams.

上一篇:Synchrotron Radiation, the Research Opportunities at NSF’s ChemMatCARS下一篇:超分子受体光伏材料