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Historical development of high temperature superconductor materials: Cuprates, Cobaltates, iron pnictides, chalcogenide and topological superconductors
题 目:Historical development of high temperature superconductor materials: Cuprates, Cobaltates, iron pnictides, chalcogenide and topological superconductors
报告人:Chengtian Lin(林成天) 研究员
单 位:Max Planck Institute for Solid State Research, Stuttgart Germany
时 间:2018/12/6 09:00
地 点:纳米楼一楼报告厅
This talk gives a brief introduction of the history on high temperature superconductor materials since the first discovered cuprate YBCO with Tc=92 K in 1986, followed on the development of other high Tc Type II compounds, including NaxCoO2, iron-based (iron-age) pnictides and topologicals. Although the Tc of newly discovered materials is not higher than cuprates, an entire new field on superconductivity has been opened, established and still in progress. The talk also gives some typical samples of superconductors in their preparation, crystal growth and characterization. It is a realistic challenge in materials sciences to search for new superconducting materials with higher Tc and/or to enhance Tc of the known superconducting materials. A message that the author would like to pass to researchers, especially young researchers and graduate students, is not to give up the challenges to the problems of high-temperature superconductivity. 简介: 林成天教授现为德国马普固体物理研究所教授,主要从事超导单晶及材料科学与工程领域中强关联电子材料生长和表征的研究,包括超导氧化物、低维过渡化合物等。迄今为止,林教授在ScienceNature以及Nature系列期刊上发表了十余篇重要文章。
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