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Practical Heteroatom- and Group-Transfer Reactions

题 目:Practical Heteroatom- and Group-Transfer Reactions

报告人:László Kürti 

单位:Rice University 

时间:2019年5月9日上午 9:00 


  László Kürti was born and raised in Hungary. He received his Diploma from Lajos Kossuth University (now University of Debrecen), working with Professor Sándor Antus. Subsequently he received his Master of Science degree at the University of Missouri-Columbia, working with Professor Michael Harmata and his Ph.D. degree (2006) in synthetic organic chemistry under the supervision of Professor Amos B. Smith III at the University of Pennsylvania. In 2006 László joined the group of Professor E.J. Corey at Harvard University as a Damon Runyon Cancer Fellow. László began his independent career as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Biochemistry at UT Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, Texas, but on June 1, 2015 he joined the faculty at Rice University (Houston, Texas) as an Associate Professor in the Department of Chemistry.     

  The Kürti group focuses on the development of powerful new methods for the expedient enantioselective assembly of highly functionalized biaryls, heterocycles and carbocycles. László Kürti has received many awards: including Thieme Chemistry Journal Award, Amgen Young Investigators’ Award, NSF CAREER Award, and Biotage Young Principle Investigator Award. He has published many papers, including Science (3), Nature Chemistry (1), JACS (10), and Angew (3). He is the author of three famous books: “Strategic Applications of Named Reactions in Organic Synthesis”, “Molecules and Medicine”, and “Enantioselective Chemical Synthesis: Methods, Logic and Practice”. 

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