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        第1-2讲:All-Inorganic Perovskite Quantum Dots Nanocomposites for Q-LCD and QLED and Broadband Near-Infrared Phosphors








    1989年获台湾青年奖章及工研院科技成果个人贡献奖,1995年获台湾第四届发明银牌个人奖,1998年获杰出青年化学奖章,2011年获第九届有庠科技奖(科技论文绿色科技类) ,2013與2018年获科技部杰出研究奖。 2015年获国际IUPAC & NMS于新颖材料与合成之杰出研究奖。2017年获中山学术论文奖。2018年被科睿唯安(Clarivate Analytics)获选为跨领域全球高被引学者(Highly Cited Researchers)。2018年獲「侯金堆傑出榮譽獎」(基礎科學:數理)。2019年獲「有庠科技講座」(綠色科技)。至今已发表550篇英文论文于国际期刊,被引用总次数达16,713次,h-index为67。获得专利200余件。  



  All-inorganic CsPbX3 (X = I, Br, Cl) perovskite quantum dots (PQDs) have been extensively investigated because of their unique optical properties, such as tunable wavelength, narrow band, and high quantum efficiency. These fascinating features of inorganic nanocrystals have been utilized in light emitting diode (LED) devices. For application in lighting and backlight display, the stability of PQDs should be further improved. Degradation of PQDs is mainly caused by temperature, oxygen, moisture, and light. Surface passivation and surface protective shell can improve the stability of LEDs. After resolving this problem, we further applied wide color-gamut in PQD-based LEDs for backlight display. We also successfully used PQDs in an on-chip LED device. Our white LED device for backlight display pass through a color filter with an NTSC value of 113% and Rec. 2020 of 85%. To further improved the stability of CsPbBr3, we developed three-steps treatment on CsPbBr3. For lighting application, we fabricated white LEDs exhibit a luminous efficiency of 19.0 lm/W, R9 of 96, CRI of 84.7 and a CCT of 3328 K, respectively. Successive and scalable synthesis of highly stable Cs4PbBr6 perovskite microcrystal by the micro?uidic system and their application in backlight display will be demonstrated.  

   The near-infrared (NIR) light source is desirable for real-time non-destructive examination applications, which include the analysis of foodstuffs, health monitoring, iris recognition, and infrared cameras. The light emission spectra of such infrared light source should also be broad as possible for effective performance, in view of the broad absorption and reflection of light by the organic elements present in foodstuffs and human health in the blue and NIR regions of the electromagnetic spectrum, respectively. In this report, a blue light-emitting diode (LED) excitable broad-band NIR phosphor light source is developed.  



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