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Rich-Poor Balance in Ternary P->C->Metal and C->P->Metal Dative Bonding:Rationale and Serendipity

题 目:Rich-Poor Balance in Ternary P->C->Metal and C->P->Metal Dative Bonding:Rationale and Serendipity
报告人:Remi Chauvin教授
单 位:The University of Toulouse
时 间:2020/01/10 9:30
地 点:海西院2#228
Full Professor at the University of Toulouse. Prof. Remi Chauvin received his PhD from Paris XI University in France in 1988. In 1989 he served as post-doctoral fellow with Prof. B. Sharpless (M.I.T., Cambridge, MA, EU); 1990: post-doctoral fellow with Prof. A. Vasella (Zürich Universit?t, Switzerland); 1990-1993: Research engineer at the Roussel-Uclaf Co, Dr. J. Buendia department head (Romainville, France); 1993-1998: CNRS Research Associate (CR1) at LCC, Prof. G. Balavoine director (Toulouse, France). He was appointed Full Professor at the University of Toulouse, Toulouse 3-Paul Sabatier, since 1998. He found research outpost at the School of Biomedical Sciences, Huaqiao University, Xiamen, China: with Prof Xiuling Cui, since 2015.Prof. Remi Chauvin’s research axes: (i) organic chemistry for physics: carbo-benzenes; (ii) organic chemistry for biology: anti-tumoral & antibacterial alkynylcarbinols; (iii) coordination chemistry & catalysis: charged phospho-carbon ligands; (iv) theoretical chemistry: bonding. ----------------------------------

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