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Advances in Organic 2D Crystals——From On-Water Surface Chemistry to Functional Applications
  题 目:Advances in Organic 2D Crystals——From On-Water Surface Chemistry to Functional Applications
  报告人:冯新亮 教授
  单 位:德国德累斯顿大学&马普微结构物理研究所
  时 间:2023/2/15  16:20
  地 点:2号楼235报告厅
  Prof. Feng is a director at the Max-Planck Institute of Microstructure Physics and the head of the Chair of Molecular Functional Materials at Technische Universit?t Dresden, He has published more than 690 research articles which have attracted around 94000 citations with H-index of 153 (Google Scholar). 
  He has been awarded several prestigious prizes such as IUPAC Prize for Young Chemists (2009), European Research Council (ERC) Starting Grant Award (2012), Journal of Materials Chemistry Lectureship Award (2013), ChemComm Emerging Investigator Lectureship (2014), Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry (FRSC, 2014), Highly Cited Researcher (Thomson Reuters, 2014-2022), Small Young Innovator Award (2017), Hamburg Science Award (2017), EU-40 Materials Prize (2018), ERC Consolidator Grant Award (2018). He is a member of the European Academy of Sciences (2019), Academia Europaea (2019), and German Academy of Science and Engineering (acatech, 2021). He is an Advisory Board Member for Advanced Materials, Chemical Science, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, ChemNanoMat, Energy Storage Materials, Small Methods, Chemistry -An Asian Journal, Trends in Chemistry, etc. He is the Head of ESF Young Research Group "Graphene Center Dresden", Working Package Leader of WP Functional Foams & Coatings for European Commission’s pilot project “Graphene Flagship”, and spokesperson for the DFG Collaborative Research Center for the Chemistry of Synthetic 2D Materials (2020-).
上一篇:Light matter interactions in 2D materials and device applications、太赫兹近场光学显微镜及其应用下一篇:低维钙钛矿光电器件