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Novel approaches for mechanical-electrical-chemical conversion

题 目:Novel approaches for mechanical-electrical-chemical conversion

报告人:Andris Šutka教授 

单 位:里加技术大学 自然科学技术学院

时 间:2024/4/10  10:00 

地 点:海西院嘉锡楼3层大会议室(305) 


简介: Andris Šutka obtained his PhD degree in chemical technology at Riga Technical University (RTU) in 2012. The topic of his PhD thesis was related to the physical and chemical properties of transition metal oxide nanoparticles. During his PhD,his interests were metal oxide defect chemistry,chemical oxide semiconductor gas sensors,and photocatalysts.After receiving his PhD,he conducted post-doctoral research at the University of Tartu,Estonia (2013-2016),investigating suspended particle smart windows. Returning to RTU,A. Šutka founded a new structural unit in 2017 - the Research Laboratory of Functional Materials Technologies (RLFMT),at the Faculty of Materials Science and Applied Chemistry (Now Faculty of Natural Sciences and Technology,NST). During the management of RLFMT,prof. Šutka attracted 2.5 million euros in funding and local and international tenders. In 2021,RLFMT was merged with the Institute of Inorganic Chemistry and the Institute of Silicate Materials,creating the Institute of Materials and Surface Engineering (IMSE). Since 2021,A. Šutka has been an RTU professor and IMSE director.Currently,Prof. Šutka's research interests include soft triboelectric and piezoelectric materials and semiconductor oxide nanomaterials for gas sensors,photochromic,(photo)catalytic and antimicrobial applications. Since 2021,A. Šutka has been actively focusing on decoupled water electrolysis for obtaining green hydrogen. In 2018 and 2022,the Latvian Academy of Sciences (LAS) included A. Šutka's research among Latvia's most significant scientific achievements. A. Šutka is the youngest full member of the LAS.

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