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Boranes and Frustrated Lewis Pairs: Searching for New Reactions

题 目:Boranes and Frustrated Lewis Pairs: Searching for New Reactions

报告人:Gerhard Erker 教授

单 位:Universität Münster, Germany

时 间:2024/10/15 15:00

地 点:综合楼235报告厅



报告简介:The talk will focus on some selected recent advances in main group element chemistry. The unusual reactions of “frustrated Lewis pairs” (FLPs) are presented and discussed. These pairs are, for instance, composed of phosphane/borane combinations whose molecular design effectively hinders them to undergo the usual neutralization reaction by Lewis adduct formation. FLPs may undergo metal reminiscent small molecule activation reactions – this is illustrated by their heterolytic dihydrogen splitting ability and use in metal-free catalytic hydrogenation. A variety of additional FLP small molecule reactions will be presented. In addition, some specially designed borane reactions will be discussed, including selective borole and borapyramidane formation.

个人简介:Gerhard Erker教授是国际著名有机金属化学家,德国科学院院士,欧洲科学院院士,曾任德国国家基金会副主席,德国化学会主席,曾获德意志联邦共和国功绩勋章、日本化学会荣誉会士等荣誉。主要研究领域包括受阻Lewis酸碱对,硼化学,有机金属化学以及高分子化学等。此外,Gerhard Erker教授至今已培养和指导了141名博士研究生和70名博士后,共发表约770篇国际权威学术期刊论文、著作等。


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